BEYOND.PLACE was founded by Simon Husslein and Arne Magold to create one-of-a-kind worlds for immersive experiences.

Simon Husslein and Arne Magold, known for their experimental approach, are post-digital explorers of the impact of technological development on the human condition.

Their practice, driven by research and empirical discovery, translates algorithm-mediated creative analysis into perceptual acts. They seek to broaden the concept of digital presence by exploring various types of generated places, perspectives of the digital world, and interpersonal relationships.

Simon Husslein, Co-Founder

Simon Husslein combines more than twenty years of experience in design, scenography and interior architecture. He has worked in Zurich, London, Tokyo and Shanghai for various international clients, receiving numerous international awards. He is a regular jury member for the Red Dot Design Award. Since 2017 he has been a professor of Interior Architecture at Geneva University of Art and Design, HEAD – Genève.

Arne Magold, Co-Founder

Arne Magold realises innovative and creative technology projects using the latest real-time technologies and AI. With a foundation in mathematics and engineering he works in the field of human-machine-interaction and procedural generation of geometry and motion. A former development engineer at BMW, he has since envisioned and realised numerous projects, interactive installations, and applications for international brands like Audi, Nokia, Bosch, Roche, and Osram.

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We are based in Zurich, Switzerland, and Munich, Germany.

©  2024  |  Imprint